"...What was stirring in me was confusing. I had never felt this way before. But I knew one thing-I didn't want to..."
What is a miracle? It is the tangible evidence of the supreme control of the Spirit of God over every character and form of materiality.
Wigglesworth never went more than fifteen minutes without reading the Word of God, regardless of where he was or in whose company he found himself.
In one of my early meetings, in southern Missouri, good crowds had been attending for a week, but not one soul had responded to the altar call. My wife and I decided that this MUST be changed, and agreed between ourselves that we would pray all night for souls to be saved in that meeting.
Redbook magazine assigned Pittsburgh reporter Emily Gardner Neal (who later helped write I believe in Miracles for Miss Kuhlman) to look into the situation. The resulting story set Kathryn on the road to national prominence.
While staying in the home of a curate of the local Church of England, [Wigglesworth] and the curate were sitting together talking after supper. No doubt the subject of their conversation was that the poor fellow had no legs.