Meet the founders
We are Dan & Rebekah Jones. Since 2008 we've been creating and digitizing products which help people learn from revival and revivalists throughout history.
Dan is a website optimisation specialist. He was dramatically saved at age 18 and swiftly turned his passion into advancing God’s Kingdom. He has a call to empower people in evangelism and healing while they radically pursue sustainable revival.
Rebekah is a 5th generation minister. Her great-grandpa was evangelist A. A. Allen. She has been a prolific author and teacher for 25+ years, empowering people worldwide with creative, practical and Biblical instruction. She passionately preserves history and empowers Christians to encounter Jesus, so they may spread His power and love with authenticity. Rebekah is also the president of the non-profit, Miracle Valley Oasis Center. Learn more: RebekahAllenJones.com
What we do
This shop exists to allow you to learn from and be inspired by those who have gone before us. Gain access to Christian revival resources which have all but been lost in time – the classics of revival leaders such as A. A. Allen, Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Kuhlman and others. Enjoy inspiring products to help you focus on what matters in your journey as a passionate follower of Jesus.
How we got started
In 2008 God laid it on our hearts to action an idea we’d come up with while attending ministry school. Months of research, writing and design later, we produced the Revival History Timeline. In one elegant print, you can view all the major moves of God around the world for the past 500 years, with details about how everything developed with revivals and leaders. We labored intensively over every detail to ensure excellence and accuracy. We are delighted with how the project came out. We wanted you to have a simple way to quickly grasp an understanding of the ever increasing purposes of God which didn’t require reading countless books. We think we achieved this and others seem to as well!
With Rebekah being the great-granddaughter of A. A. Allen, we went on to use our passion for helping people learn from those who have gone before us, to preserve and share even more!
How you can help
Many believers around the world have priceless resources and materials from past generations, which can be used to spur the next generations on in our walk with the Lord today. If you feel you have materials, such as books, magazines, studies, audio, video, tracts, etc produced by prominent ministers, or about revivals or moves of God, please contact us about them. We would love to safely digitize your valuable historical items before they deteriorate or are lost or damaged and then give them back to you, plus digital editions. We could then make them available to a new generation to encourage their faith. Its a fantastic way for you to participate in helping to preserve what God has done, for future generations while safe-keeping and gaining digital versions of your special materials for yourself.
If you currently sell resources focusing on past revivals or revival leaders and would be interested in selling on our website, please contact us about becoming a vendor.